Finishes, Door Specifications & other info


For a complete list of finishes, please click on the following link.

Adobe Acrobat Reader is Required to view the file. If you do not have it installed on your PC you can download it here:

– Finishes.pdf                                                – Download Adobe Acrobat


Door Specifications:

To learn more about door Specifications, please click on the following link.

Adobe Acrobat Reader is Required to view the file. If you do not have it installed on your PC you can download it here:

– Door Specifications.pdf                               – Download Adobe Acrobat


Exploded Views Of Baldwin Images:

To see exploded views of Baldwin Images, please click on the following link.

Adobe Acrobat Reader is Required to view the file. If you do not have it installed on your PC you can download it here:

– Baldwin Views.pdf                                      – Download Adobe Acrobat


Determine Hand of Door:

To determine the Hand of door, please click on the following link.

Adobe Acrobat Reader is Required to view the file. If you do not have it installed on your PC you can download it here:

– Determine Hand of Door.pdf                        – Download Adobe Acrobat

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